Mastering Addition 2 Digit Problems: 3 Fun And Easy Resources for Students

When is it a good time to practice addition 2 digit problems? Once students understand 1 digit addition problems, you can begin to have them add beyond 20.  Of course, you should start with using base ten blocks or unifix cubes to model adding the tens and ones.   

Addition 2 digit problems that are fun and easy to use with students.   Solve two digit addition problems with base ten blocks to help build a conceptual understanding.
Addition 2 Digit Resources and Activities to Use With Students.
  • ☀Download this BONUS Guide with everything you need to cultivate a positive classroom community.  
  • ➕Includes definitions, lesson ideas, mindset surveys for students and teachers, and printable posters.
  • 🧠💪Research shows a link between a growth mindset and math success. Kids with a growth mindset about their abilities perform better and are more engaged in the classroom.
  • 👉Includes everything you need to start cultivating a more positive math classroom and students who love math. Download and get started today! Click here to download the Mindset Guide & Survey

Students need strategies for basic addition facts and an understanding of place value before practicing 2 digit addition problems.  I like to begin by adding tens to a one digit problem and then adding tens to a two-digit number.  This is where you start to see who understands the value of the digits in a two digit number and why using math tools to model what is happening is essential.   

Cultivate a Growth mindset classroom and a positive classroom community with these free resources to use with students that include a growth mindset survey for students.
Cultivate a Positive Classroom Community and a Growth Mindset Classroom.

What are Addition Facts?

Facts with addends of 0-10 are considered basic facts.  Sometimes, 0-9 are considered basic facts.  

As math teachers, we want students to become fluent in single-digit addition and subtraction facts.  We call these basic math facts because they provide the foundation for more complex problems. 

Students should develop both automaticity and an understanding of math facts. Automaticity is a student’s ability to recall a fact effortlessly.  In addition, we want our students to understand these essential facts. 

Read more.. 3 Guaranteed and Fun Resources to Practice Addition 1 Digit Problems with Students

2 Digit Addition Standards that can be taught with an addition regrouping worksheet or no regrouping worksheet for addition.
Progression of the 2 Digit Addition Standards That Can be Practiced with an Addition Regrouping Worksheet or No Regrouping Worksheet.

2 Digit Addition Standards


Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.


Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.


Add up to four two-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.


Add and subtract within 1000, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method. Understand that in adding or subtracting three-digit numbers, one adds or subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose or decompose tens or hundreds.


Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900.


Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.

Strategies for Addition with No Regrouping and Regrouping of 2 digits.
Strategies for Addition With No Regrouping and Regrouping to Use With Students.

Addition Regrouping Strategies For 1st Grade

First, begin by using base ten blocks or unifix cubes. I like to start with unifix cubes because students can put 10 together and take 10 apart.   Then, we can use a tens and ones place value chart to practice building numbers.   Once students are comfortable with sums to 20, you can move beyond.  

 In first grade, students should be able to add a two digit number plus a one digit number.  For example, 24 + 6.   In addition, students should be able to add a two digit number and a multiple of 10. For example, 24 + 20.    

Once students are comfortable using unifix cubes, you can use place value or base ten blocks with a place value chart.   

Addition 2 Digit with Regrouping and No Regrouping Strategies

Base Ten Model for Double Digit Addition

When introducing two-digit addition, I always start with using unifix cubes if I can because students can build 10 and then break 10 apart.

Then, I like using base ten blocks and a place value mat inside a plastic sleeve. This allows students to write or draw using a dry-erase marker and can be used repeatedly.

Eventually, we will move to drawing the base ten blocks.  Here is an example of how to use the strategy:

  • Build or draw both addends with base ten blocks. 
  • Count the ones first and then the tens. This will help when regrouping is introduced later.
  • Solve for the sum.

Expanded Form Method for Double Digit Addition

The second double digit addition strategy is to have students decompose the numbers and then add them.  Students must again have a strong knowledge of place value and expanding numbers. 

Each addend will be broken apart or decomposed into tens and ones.  It helps students see that the tens place isn’t just a 6. Its value represents 60 or 6 tens. Here is an example of how the strategy works for 32 + 45:

  • Expand the first addend. 32 becomes 30 + 2
  • Expand the second addend and write it underneath the first.   45 becomes 40 and 5.   
  • Put together the ones.   Then, put together the tens.    
  • Solve for the sum. 70 + 7= 77
Use a Number Line to Practice Addition Regrouping and No Regrouping Problems.
Addition Regrouping With a Number Line.

Number Line Model for Double Digit Addition

Using an open number line to solve two-digit addition problems is highly beneficial.

This strategy focuses on students “hopping” along a number line to solve the sum of a given problem. Large hops are drawn for plus 10, and smaller hops are drawn for plus 1.

To help students visualize this strategy more, I first include base ten blocks. They can take them away when they are more comfortable with this strategy.   Here is an example of the strategy:

  • Draw an open number line.
  • Write the larger addend at the start of the number line.
  • Then, students use base ten blocks to build the other addended horizontally across the number line.
  • Draw large hops over the tens for +10 and small hops over the ones for +1. 
  • They’ll skip count and write out the numbers to solve for the sum.
Use these Addition 2 Digit Worksheets With Base Ten Blocks to Model Solving the 2 digit addition problem.
Use Base Ten Blocks With These Addition 2 Digit Worksheets.

Addition 2 Digit No Regrouping and Regrouping

Introduce no regrouping two digit problems to start and then move to problems where students need to regroup.   

Grade 2 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

These slides have students model the addition and subtraction word problem with the place value chart and place value blocks. Then, enter the number sentence in the text boxes.  These are word problems within 100 for all problem structures; some have regrouping, and some have no regrouping.  

Addition 2 Digit Numbers with Regrouping and No Regrouping

Students should have opportunities to use a place value chart and base ten blocks when solving problems.   You can use physical blocks or digital place value blocks.  

Addition 2 Digit Worksheets and Slides

These addition 2 digit worksheets and slides have students use movable base ten blocks and a place value chart.   There are regrouping and no regrouping problems within 100.  

Grade 2 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems that are Digital and Print .
Grade 2 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems within 100 are in Digital and Print Format.

2 Digit Addition with No Regrouping Resources

Addition Regrouping Worksheet

Easy to Use Addition 2 Digit Worksheets

These addition 2 digit worksheets and slides have students use movable base ten blocks and a place value chart.   There are regrouping and no regrouping problems within 100.  

Adding Regrouping Worksheets and Slides

Addition With Regrouping Worksheets Free Resource (and No Regrouping)

Here are 6 slides and 6 addition 2 digit worksheets with Addition 2 Digit Word Problems. These ready-made interactive slides have a tens and ones place value chart and movable base ten blocks to help students solve the addition 2 digit no regrouping and regrouping problems.

Addition 2 Digit No Regrouping and Regrouping Worksheets Can be used with base ten blocks or students can draw the base ten blocks to solve the 2 digit addition problem.
Addition 2 Digit No Regrouping and Regrouping Worksheets.

Fun and Easy Addition 2 Digit Worksheets and Slides

These addition 2 digit worksheets and slides have students use movable base ten blocks and a place value chart.   There are regrouping and no regrouping problems within 100. 

2 Digit Addition Word Problems 

Word problems connect math to the real world.  Students will see the importance of solving 2-digit numbers and become more engaged.   I also like to use literature to create problems so students can see the connection between reading and math.  

Grade 2 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

These slides have students model the addition and subtraction word problem with the place value chart and place value blocks. Then, enter the number sentence in the text boxes.  These are word problems within 100 for all problem structures; some have regrouping, and some have no regrouping.  

Try Out these Addition With Regrouping Worksheets Free Resource..  Practice 2 digit addition with these digital and print format problems.
Try Out These Addition With Regrouping Worksheets Free Resource.

2 Digit Addition Additional Resources

Once students understand two digit addition in word problems, they can be introduced to two step word problems.    These two step word problems use addition and subtraction. 

Two Step Word Problems Addition and Subtraction

These two step word problems are addition and subtraction practice problems in digital and print form. Teach Addition and Subtraction 2 step word problems within 100 with different word problem structures.

Addition With Regrouping Worksheet Free Resource

Addition With Regrouping Worksheets Free Resource (and No Regrouping)

Here are 6 addition with regrouping and no regrouping worksheets and slides.   These will help you practice two digit addition problems with digital math tools.  

Once you expose students to the different addition strategies let them choose their strategy.   Try this Adding Regrouping Worksheet.
Try an Adding Regrouping Worksheet or Digital Slide with Movable Base Ten Blocks.

Addition 2 Digit Using Technology and Additional Resources

These addition problems have a digital place value chart and movable base ten blocks to solve two digit addition problems. 

Try These Addition 2 Digit Worksheets

These addition 2 digit worksheets and slides have students use movable base ten blocks and a place value chart.   There are regrouping and no regrouping problems within 100.  

Put Addition 2 Digit Numbers With Regrouping Problems in a Plastic Sleeve So They Can be Done Repeatedly.
Addition 2 Digit Numbers with Regrouping and No Regrouping Problems.

2 Digit Addition Practice to Use with Students

When it comes to 2-digit addition strategies, we want students to understand the numbers rather than memorize a procedure.   We want students to find the strategy that makes sense to them and then use it. In addition, we need to ensure we begin with the concrete stage of using math manipulatives and then progress to the representational and abstract stages.  

  • ☀Download this BONUS Guide with everything you need to cultivate a positive classroom community.  
  • ➕Includes definitions, lesson ideas, mindset surveys for students and teachers, and printable posters.
  • 🧠💪Research shows a link between a growth mindset and math success. Kids with a growth mindset about their abilities perform better and are more engaged in the classroom.
  • 👉Includes everything you need to start cultivating a more positive math classroom and students who love math. Download and get started today! Click here to download the Mindset Guide & Survey

Students need an understanding of their basic facts and place value before introducing two digit addition problems.  Students need to see that two-digit numbers comprise ten and ones.   These fun and easy resources will help students practice addition 2 digit problems.  

Fun and Easy Activities to Practice Addition 2 Digit With Regrouping and No Regrouping.   Students using base ten blocks to solve 2 digit addition problems.
Fun and Easy Activities to Practice Addition 2 Digit With Regrouping and No Regrouping.

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Hi, I'm Eastern Shore Math Teacher!

I have been teaching for over 22 years in an elementary school.  I help educators plan engaging math lessons and cultivate a positive math culture in their classrooms.  

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