Understanding the meaning of the equal sign can be challenging for students. Here is an explanation of the equal sign, how to teach it, and lesson ideas for teaching the equal sign to students.
I love to use a quick sort and balance scale to teach students equal or not equal sign in math class. This helps students to understand what equal symbols in math class mean. Understanding the meaning of the equal sign can be challenging for students.

Students who feel successful in math class are happier and more engaged in learning.
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🧠💪Research shows that there is a link between a growth mindset and math success. Kids who have a growth mindset about their abilities perform better and are more engaged in the classroom.
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One day I realized my students thought the equal sign was a result of something. They will put these numbers together and then, as a result, get a sum. They didn’t understand that it meant balance or equivalence, which was my fault. I neglected to show them that the equal sign indicated that the two sides were equal, like a balance scale. I needed to take some time and clear up these misconceptions and think about how to do this.

What is the Math Equal Sign?
When using the equal sign, we must understand that whatever is on the left side must be equivalent to the right. The equal sign shows that two things are the same in value, size, meaning, etc.
So, we could say that:
- 5 = 5,
- 4 + 1 = 5
- 5 = 2 + 3
- 7 = 8 – 1
What is Equal Sign Standard?
Common Core State Standard 1.OA.D.7 Understand the meaning of the equal sign and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction are true or false. For example, which of the following equations are true, and which are false?
6 = 6 7 = 8 -1 5 + 2= 2 + 5 4 + 1 = 5 + 2

Teaching the Equal Sign
- Develop the concept of the same amount as students use objects to model these situations.
- Use a balance scale to reinforce the concept that = means both sides of the equation are Using a balance scale is the best way to teach the equal sign to students.
- Provide different orientations of the expressions. ( 6 + 5 = 11 and 11 = 6 + 5)
- Provide students with true and false equations to indicate which are correct and which are incorrect. 6= 5 + 1 (true) 6 + 2 = 9 (false)
Students Demonstrating Understanding of the Equal Sign
- Move from using concrete objects to using symbols to represent equations.
- Write equations in all orientations.
- They can sort true and false equations and can justify their thinking.
- Justify their thinking to write equations.

Teaching Equal Symbols in Math
Many children don’t realize that the equals sign represents equality. It means that the value of what is on one side of the equals sign is of the same value as that on the other side.
Using a Balance Scale to Teach the Equal Sign in Math
It is the most basic hands-on way to work with the equal sign concept. Place counters on either side to model showing the same or equal amount.
Then, use a piece of paper to write the equal sign symbol (=) and attach it to the center of the balance scale or the two amounts.

Using the Symbol to Show Equivalence
Use different counters to model showing equal amounts.
Then, use a piece of paper to write the equal sign symbol (=) and attach it to the center of the two amounts.
Using the Correct Language
The equal sign represents a relationship and not an action. Reading “=” as same as rather than equals is one way to reinforce this important concept.
Also, it is essential to make sure to use the language “the same as” when using a definition of the equal sign.

True and False Sort
Showing true and false equations teaches students how to problem solve to get the correct answers.
They need to determine if an equation is balanced or not balanced, equal or not equal.
Providing Equations with Different Orientations
Most often, students see equations written as 8- 1 = 7; hence they develop the misconception that the equal sign indicates the answer comes next or calls for the action of doing the mathematical operation.
Students should have experiences early on that reinforce that the equal sign indicates both sides of the equation represent the same amount.
Showing equations in different orientations helps with this. 7 + 1 = 8 and 8 = 7 + 1

Math Equal Signs Activities
Check out these Math Equal Sign activities with digital and printable resources for each season. These activities can be done whole class on a smart board, assigned to students, or printed and done as a center or independent activity. These slides and worksheets practice identifying equal and not equal in math. Movable counters and equal signs to support students in understanding the math equal sign concept.
Math Equal Sign Bundle Includes 4 Products:
4 Seasons (50 Slides for Each Season) to teach the Equal Sign= 200 Slides
4 Seasons (50 Worksheets for Spring, Summer, and Fall)= 150 Worksheets
Included Formats in Equal Sign Math Practice:
•Drag and Drop equations to True or False
•Create Equal Equations
•Move Counters to Represent the Word Problem
•Enter the Number Sentence to Match the Counters.
Equal and Not Equal Sign Math
Start by having students build two equations that both equal five using counters. For example, 2 green counters and 3 red counters for the first equation and 1 yellow counter, and 4 blue counters for the second equation. Put the counters from the first equation on one side of the balance and the counters from the other equation on the other side of the balance. Then, you can put a sticky note with an equal sign on the base of the balance.
Provide students with equations and have them model using a balance scale if they are balanced or not.
Not Equal Sign in Math
The not equal sign is an equal sign with a line drawn through it. ≠

Equal Symbols Resources
An Equal Sign Read Aloud
Equal Shmequal by Virginia Kroll not only teaches the meaning of the equal sign, but it also talks about what it means in art (symmetry), law (fairness), and team sports (number of players).
You Can Use a Balance uses the balance to show how to manipulate items to make them equal on both sides of the beam.
Balancing Act by Ellen Stoll Walsh is about two mice balancing. However, other animals want to join in on the fun! To understand balance and equality, students need to experience what needs to be equal or balanced.
Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen is about a cow, donkey, pig, sheep, and mouse and how they all want to ride in a boat together. Students will see that certain animals help balance one another on the boat.
Equal Sign Jack Hartman

Equal Sign in Math
Understanding the equal sign is essential for children, and providing opportunities for them to understand that the equal sign represents a relationship and not an action is critical.
Define Growth Mindset with…
☀Download this BONUS Guide with everything you need to create a positive classroom community.
➕Includes definitions, lesson ideas, mindset surveys for students and teachers, and printable posters.
🧠💪Research shows that there is a link between a growth mindset and math success. Kids who have a growth mindset about their abilities perform better and are more engaged in the classroom.
👉Includes everything you need to get started on cultivating a more positive math classroom and students who love math. Download and get started today!👇
What are some resources that could help you teach the concept of equal and not equal sign in math?

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