I always used to wonder what do teachers do in summer? After 22 years of teaching, my summers have evolved and changed over time. However, I believe the most important thing teachers can do is take care of themselves and develop positive self-care habits that can serve their mind, body, and soul year-round. Feeling good doesn’t just happen. We need to put in the time and effort.

Research shows a link between a growth mindset and math success. Kids with a growth mindset about their abilities perform better and are more engaged in the classroom. Students who feel successful in math class are happier and more engaged in learning. Check out The Bonus Guide for Creating a Growth Mindset Classroom and Students Who Love Math for ideas, lessons, and mindset surveys for students to use in your classroom to cultivate a positive classroom community in mathematics. You can also sign up for other freebies from me Here at Easternshoremathteacher.com.

After reading the book. The Positive Shift by Catherine A. Sanderson. I have realized how vital my mindset is to improve my happiness, health, and longevity. I know I could get ahead by working on the curriculum or developing resources over the summer. However, by doing so, I would be putting my happiness at risk. So what do teachers do in summer to be effective teachers? They take care of themselves and improve their mindset.

Define Effective Teachers
Effective teachers provide a safe, positive, respectful, nurturing, and student-centered classroom. They analyze data and plan for effective instruction based on the data. Effective teachers continually reflect and evaluate their teaching to do what is best for the students. They build positive relationships with students that motivate students to learn and do their best. For all of this to happen, teachers need to feel good.
Characteristics of Highly Effective Teachers
- Respect their students
- Builds relationships
- Encourages a Growth Mindset
- Patiently handles situations
- Continually look for ways to become better
- Collaborate with other teachers
- Data-driven
- Student-centered
- Multi-tasker
This is just a sample of some of the characteristics of an effective teacher. What other characteristics do you think are essential?

Teaching in the Summer
Some teachers teach summer school, tutor, or work in year-round schools. If this is the case, you still need to find time to take a break from all the stress of teaching. You could do this by waking up early and taking a walk or taking advantage of the longer days to do something you find relaxing.
Summer teaching can be challenging because students often don’t want to be there. Instead, they dream of a lazy beach, pool day, or hanging out with friends. So it is essential to find something to keep you in a positive mindset. In addition, it helps kids stay positive about school and learning.

Requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers
Often teachers use the summer to take classes to earn additional degrees or keep their licenses up to date. Check with your school districts or state requirements to see what you need to do.
The summer is a great time to take some classes. There are many online options so that you can take many classes from home (even poolside!). If possible, take a course on improving your mindset so you are earning credits and working on your mindset simultaneously.

Summer Habits of Teachers
Sleep and Recharge
Did you know that an adult’s recommended amount of sleep is seven to nine hours? That kind of sleep might be difficult during the school year. Use the summer to build some positive sleep habits.
Go to bed early, sleep in late, and take naps during the summer. Sleep plays a vital role in health and well-being. So once you feel caught up from the school year, try to establish good sleep habits.
I try to have my lights out by 9:30 p.m. and awake by 5:30 a.m. during the school year. In the summer, I might shift these hours a little, but I try to stay constant so that I can get seven to nine hours of sleep. What time would you like to be up? Now, work backward and figure out when you need to sleep.
Read or Take a Class
Reading is a great way to learn, grow, and relax. So summer is the perfect time to catch up on that reading list you have been making all year long.
I also usually like to read or listen to at least one professional book but do whatever will make you happy. This past year I began to listen to books in my car, while exercising, or even folding laundry, and it has been a game-changer.
Another way to relax and grow is by taking a class, joining a club, or trying a new hobby. This could be any type of class or club- weight lifting, painting, or a new language. Try something new and have fun.
Teaching is physical work. We are in a constant state of motion- walking, standing, and crouching next to students. I often struggle to exercise after school.
So try to use the summer to get into a good exercise routine. It could be waking up early and taking a walk or run or taking an exercise class. Then, think about how you could continue this habit once the school year begins.
Using a device to count steps can be something you can continue during the school year. For example, aim for 10,000 steps over the summer by walking or running (you could be listening to a book or podcast simultaneously). Then, during the school year, continue counting steps and taking the long way to places so you can get more steps into your day.
Yoga is also a great exercise because it helps you relax and restore. The summer is a great time to try a class or find an online video.
There is considerable scientific research demonstrating the impact of nature on inspiring creativity, reducing stress, and increasing productivity. So if possible, take a walk or exercise outside. You can also buy plants for your home or classroom, plant a garden, or listen to the sounds of nature to improve your happiness.
Planning out when you will fit in exercise during the school year is essential. Will it be before or after school? Do you need to adjust your sleep schedule to fit in enough sleep and exercise?
Catch up on Family and Friend Time
Summer is a great time to meet up with family or even join a club. However, the single most significant predictor of our life satisfaction is the quality of our relationships. So investing time and energy in building and maintaining close relationships is the best way to live a longer, happier life.
We need to make choices to spend more time with people who matter most to us in the world, bringing us greater happiness.

Clean and Organize
Take some time and put your living space in order. It is challenging to keep on top of everything during the school year. This could mean cleaning your house, organizing a closet, or painting a room.
Having a clean, organized space makes you feel better. It will help you be less stressed and more efficient.
At the start of the summer, I like to list projects I would like to accomplish over the summer. I try to accomplish at least one a week.

Develop Your Growth Mindset
Mindset can have real and lasting effects on your physical health. People who go through life with a positive outlook feel happier and experience better physical well-being because they experience less stress. When they face difficult situations, they use strategies to handle the situation.
Stress is unavoidable, but we can control how we think about or frame the challenges we experience.
Deep-breathing techniques are a simple relaxation approach designed to help people relax. You can find many different techniques on the internet. In addition, practicing yoga, walking, or exercising can help to relax and lower stress. We can’t control what life throws at us, but we can all practice reframing complex events as challenges we can overcome. Read more.. Top 3 Ways for Improving As a Teacher and Growing Your Mindset
Growth Mindset Books For Teachers and Resources
- Posters and Visuals with Growth Mindset terminology around the Classroom- Click Here for 6 Growth Mindset Classroom Display Free Posters.
- Ready to Use Lessons to Teach Growth Mindset
- Mindset Survey for Students
- 5 Powerful Ideas to Help Students Develop a Growth Mindset in Mathematics
- Top 3 Ways for Improving As a Teacher and Growing Your Mindset

Teachers Summer Vacation
Money doesn’t bring us happiness, and spending our money on experiences is the most straightforward route to happiness. People who spend money on life experiences show greater enduring happiness than those who spend money on material possessions.
The benefits are even higher if those experiences are shared with people we care about. So try to plan some summer trips or experiences with family and friends.

What Do Teachers Do in Summer?
To be the most effective teacher you can be, you must take care of yourself first. At the end of the year, teachers feel burned out. So finding ways to renew your spirit is essential to returning to school next fall, ready to go.
Check out The Free Ultimate Guide for Creating a Growth Mindset Classroom and Students Who Love Math for ideas, lessons, and mindset surveys to use in your classroom. You can also sign up to receive other freebies from me Here at Easternshoremathteacher.com.
Take some time this summer and consciously try to establish some positive self-care habits. Then, when someone asks what do teachers do in summer, how will you answer?