5 Best Strategies for Engaging Students to Learn in Mathematics Class

Engaging students to learn in math class will help students to love math.  Children develop a dislike of math early on and end up resenting it into adult life.   Even in the real world, students will likely have to do some form of mathematics in their personal or working life.  So how can teachers make math more interesting to engage students in the subject?

  • ☀Download this BONUS Guide with everything you need to cultivate a positive classroom community.  
  • ➕Includes definitions, lesson ideas, mindset surveys for students and teachers, and printable posters.
  • 🧠💪Research shows a link between a growth mindset and math success. Kids with a growth mindset about their abilities perform better and are more engaged in the classroom.👉Includes everything you need to start cultivating a more positive math classroom and students who love math. Download and get started today! Click here to download the Mindset Guide & Survey.

I have always enjoyed math class and therefore have always enjoyed teaching math.  When I meet students who tell me how much they dislike math, it makes me sad.   Most children early on enjoy math, but many lose their appreciation for the subject as they get older. What happened to these students that they lost their love of math?  It has become my goal to increase student engagement in math so they can continue to be motivated to learn. 

What is student engagement, and why is it important?

Student engagement “refers to the degree of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion that students show when they are learning or being taught, which extends to the level of motivation, they have to learn and progress in their education,” according to The Glossary of Education Reform.

The more students are engaged in the learning process, the more motivated they are to learn and, therefore more successful they are. Therefore, student engagement is essential if we want students to learn and love math.  So how do we achieve this?  

What does student engagement look like?

Student engagement can be hard to define, but it means they are active in learning.  Having students quietly sit through a math lesson is not an actively engaged student.  An engaged student actively asks and responds to questions, thinks about their learning, and tries to make sense of the new information. Student engagement and motivation lead to success. 

What are 5 strategies for engaging students? 

Here are strategies that will help increase student engagement and motivation that you can use in your classroom today.

Foster Relationships

When students form close and caring relationships with their teachers and classmates, they feel like they belong.  This creates a positive environment in which students are motivated and encouraged to participate and learn. 

When students feel like they belong, they feel safe to take risks and make mistakes.   Students need to understand that struggle is an essential part of the learning process and embrace it.  Mistakes should be seen as a standard and valuable part of the learning process.  A classroom where learning from mistakes is welcome fosters growth mindsets. 

Try out this All About Me Using Numbers activity to learn more about your students and start building relationships.  

Use this All About me Activity Sheet to help build a classroom culture and learn about your students.
Download This Free All About Me Activity Sheet Using Numbers.

Improving Mindset

Research shows that there is a link between a growth mindset and math success.  Kids who have a growth mindset about their abilities perform better and are more engaged in the classroom. 

People with growth mindsets believe that they can develop their skills, talents, and abilities over time with hard work, effort, and perseverance. Thus, our qualities are not inherent, but our willingness to learn, effort, and persistence determine how well we do.  

For every student who dislikes math, there is one who enjoys the subject.  The difference sometimes comes down to their mindset. Research has shown that teaching students the concept of a growth mindset and how they can harness its power can positively impact student achievement.  They need to learn that they can achieve in all areas and that struggling is part of the process. We need to help them understand the connection between effort and improvement.

Use a Mindset Survey for Students to Learn About Thier Mindset.
Download This Free Mindset Survey for Students.

I like to give this Math Mindset Survey for students as a starting point before talking about growth mindset.  Then again, at the end of the year, see how their mindset changed through practice and effort. 

Introducing students to these ideas by reading books, showing videos, and having discussions throughout the year will foster a growth mindset classroom.  Over time, students will start using the language of someone with a growth mindset.   Posters and Visuals with Growth Mindset terminology around the Classroom is a great way to embed these messages. Click Here for 6 Growth Mindset Classroom Display Free Posters.

To read more about this, you can also check out 5 Powerful Ideas to Help Students Develop a Growth Mindset in Mathematics.

Student Engagement with Technology & Engaging Games for Students

Integrating technology into your math lessons can improve your teaching and motivate students to learn.  You can make your math lessons hands-on and interactive by using manipulatives.  These can be in-person or digital manipulatives. 

 Another way to help your students love math is with games. There are so many fun math games to play in your classroom. Having students do puzzles in math or other engaging activities helps build a positive attitude toward math.  

The 24 Game is a great game to build fact fluency.  Visit my website, and I will send you 71 Puzzles in Math with Answers for free to use with students.  These can be used in whole class, in small groups, or even printed and hung on a bulletin board. 

Check out How to Use Engaging Math Puzzles for Fun to Build Number Sense to read more about using math puzzles. 

Incorporating Collaboration

Providing time for students to work together and solve problems using collaboration and communication is essential for seeing the joy in mathematics.  This could be as simple as having students turn and talk to each other or work on a problem together. 

Students learn from each other, and collaborating and sharing strategies get students more engaged and motivated to work. Therefore, it is essential to think about engagement strategies in classroom setup at the beginning of the year.   How will you set up your classroom to promote student engagement and allow for student collaboration? 

Finding ways to set up your classroom with the idea of collaboration and communication is essential for a productive classroom and engaging students to learn.

Making Real-Life Connections

Making real-life connections can help show students that math is all around them.  It is not just a subject in school but something they will use every day.  When students see it as necessary and valuable, they are more motivated to learn.  

When the real-world connection is incorporated into lessons, students have the opportunity to see how math fits into their daily lives. In turn, math becomes a visible part of their routines instead of a set of abstract concepts in the classroom.

While applying real-world connections in the classroom, teachers can also incorporate personally meaningful experiences with students. For example, incorporating student names, hobbies, or even popular video games can motivate students to learn and keep lessons interesting and relevant.  The key to unlocking your student’s love of math is engaging students to learn.

Another way teachers can incorporate real-world connections into their lessons is through problem-based learning, in which students work in groups to solve open-ended problems.  This also supports the strategy of encouraging more collaboration and communication among students. 

Where do you find ideas for student engagement?

Engaging Students in Math Class

Don’t forget to Check out  The Free Ultimate Guide for Creating a Growth Mindset Classroom and Students Who Love Math for ideas, lessons, and mindset surveys to use in your classroom.    You can also sign up to receive other freebies from me Here at Easternshoremathteacher.com. The survey is a great tool to use the first week of school with students.    

Student engagement is essential if we want students to learn and love math.   The more students are engaged and motivated they are to learn, the more successful they will be.  

These five engagement strategies classroom teachers can use to get students to learn and love math.  Let me know how you used these strategies for engaging students to learn.

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Hi, I'm Eastern Shore Math Teacher!

I have been teaching for over 22 years in an elementary school.  I help educators plan engaging math lessons and cultivate a positive math culture in their classrooms.  

Sign up and I will send you the growth mindset classroom guide and I will help you get your elementary students to love math.